Integrate NodeJS and Payway
Trexle connects NodeJS to Payway and 100+ other payment gateways using a single plugin for one time annual fee
Payway and NodeJS Integration Guide
For PayWay integration you will need Publishable API key and Secret API key.
To retreive these credentials, log into your Westpac PayWay administration tool and click on REST API > REST API Keys in the left menu.
Add a new key. Choose “Publishable API Key” and click Save.
Add a new key: Choose “Secret API Key” and click Save.
Copy the shown API Keys.
Take the credentials you just obtained from Payway and navigate to Trexle dashboard, click Payments Gateways and select Payway from the drop down menu as shown below.
Fill into your Payway credential and click Add Gateway. Click the Activate button next to Payway, and it will give you a success message and the button will turn into green. You should see something like below.
In your NodeJS project, open a terminal and issue the following command:
npm install trexlejs
If you want to test, consider writing the following example in a test.js file:
var Trexle = require('trexlejs');
var trexle = Trexle.setup({
key: ‘your-api-key’,
production: false
amount: 400,
currency: ‘usd’,
description: ‘test charge’,
email: ‘[email protected]’,
ip_address: ‘’,
card: {
number: ‘4242424242424242’,
expiry_month: 8,
expiry_year: 2018,
cvc: 123,
name: ‘John Milwood’,
address_line1: ‘423 Shoreline Park’,
address_city: ‘Mountain View’,
address_postcode: 94043,
address_state: ‘CA’,
address_country: ‘US’
}, function (response) {
Then run the code:
node test.js
- 4564710000000004 02/19 847 08 Visa Approved
- 5163200000000008 08/20 070 08 MC Approved
- 2221000000000009 01/20 009 08 MC Approved
- 4564710000000012 02/05 963 54 Visa Expired
- 4564710000000020 05/20 234 51 Visa Low Funds ($10 credit limit)
- 5163200000000016 12/19 728 04 MC Stolen
- 4564720000000037 09/19 030 05 Visa invalid CVV2
- 376000000000006 06/20 2349 08 Amex
- 343400000000016 01/19 9023 62 Amex Restricted
- 36430000000007 06/22 348 08 Diners
- 36430000000015 08/21 988 43 Diners Stolen
Payway Supported Countries
Payway Supported Payment Processing Actions
✔ Authorize
✔ Capture
✔ Void
✔ Credit
✔ Recurring
✔ Card Store
Key Features
About Trexle
Trexle is a powerful online recurring subscription billing platform that integrate Payway and other +100 payment gateways with NodeJS and other dozen of e-commerce platforms.
About Payway
PayWay is a low-cost payment gateway powered by Westpack and designed to collect and process customer payments. PayWay supports direct debit, credit card, BPAY and Australia Post payments, giving customers the option to pay over the counter, online or over the phone.
About NodeJS
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment for executing JavaScript code server-side, and uses the Chrome V8 JavaScript engine. Historically, JavaScript was used primarily for client-side scripting, in which scripts written in JavaScript are embedded in a webpage's HTML, to be run client-side by a JavaScript engine in the user's web browser. Node.js enables JavaScript to be used for server-side scripting, and runs scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user's web browser.