

Integrate Concrete5 and Mercado Pago

Trexle connects Concrete5 to Mercado Pago and 100+ other payment gateways using a single plugin for one time annual fee

Mercado Pago and Concrete5 Integration Guide

Login to your MercadoPago dashboard.

  1. Click Create An Account.
  2. Click Create An Account again.
  3. Fill in the registration form and click Register.
    Note: Under Account Type, select business account.
  4. Click the confirmation link you received in the email from MercadoPago to activate your account.
  5. Find your Client ID and Client Secret in your MercagoPago account.

Use the Client ID and Client Secret to integrate Mercado Pago with your website.

Take the credentials you just obtained from Mercado Pago and navigate to Trexle dashboard, click Payments Gateways and select Mercado Pago from the drop down menu as shown below.

Fill into your Mercado Pago credential and click Add Gateway. Click the Activate button next to Mercado Pago, and it will give you a success message and the button will turn into green. You should see something like below.

To integrate Mercado Pago and Concrete5 you need Trexle API keys

To install Trexle extension to Concrete 5, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you are logged into your website and connected to the community. Access add-ons by going to Dashboard > Extend concrete5 > Get More Add-Ons
  2. You can search add-ons from inside your dashboard. Choose an add-on and click anywhere on the image.
  3. Click “add 1” to install the extension
  4.  Upon successful installation of Trexle extension, you will receive the message“The package was successfully installed.”

To ensure the integration works seamlessly, create a test product, logout from your admin session and perform a checkout as a regular customer.

How does testing work?

  • Create 2 test users, a seller and a buyer.
  • Use any of the card numbers listed below.
  • Enter the prefix that you need in the field Name and lastname, according to the result you want to test.
  • At last, complete the remaining data with valid information.

Card numbers

Once you are in the credit card form, you can use any of the following cards, according to your country:

Visa Mastercard American Express
Argentina 4509 9535 6623 3704 5031 7557 3453 0604 3711 803032 57522
Brazil 4235 6477 2802 5682 5031 4332 1540 6351 3753 651535 56885
Chile 4168 8188 4444 7115 5416 7526 0258 2580 3757 781744 61804
Colombia 4013 5406 8274 6260 5254 1336 7440 3564 3743 781877 55283
Mexico 4075 5957 1648 3764 5474 9254 3267 0366 no disponible
Peru 4009 1753 3280 6176 no disponible no disponible
Uruguay 4014 6823 8753 2428 5808 8877 7464 1586 no disponible
Venezuela 4966 3823 3110 9310 5177 0761 6430 0010 no disponible


Approved payment
Pending payment
Rejected. Call for authorize
Rejected by insufficient amount
Rejected by security code
Rejected by expiration date
Rejected by an error in the form
General rejection

Mercado Pago Supported Countries

Mercado Pago Supported Payment Processing Actions

✔ Purchase
✔ Authorize
✔ Capture
✔ Void
✔ Credit
✔ Recurring
✖ Card Store

Key Features

Credit Card Vault: securely store your customers sensitive credit card data using tokens.
Instant PCI-DSS Compliance: your customers credit card data never touches your site or server.
Multiple Gateway Support: Connect your Concrete5 site to 100+ payment gateway

About Trexle

Trexle is a powerful online recurring subscription billing platform that integrate Mercado Pago and other +100 payment gateways with Concrete5 and other dozen of e-commerce platforms.

About Mercado Pago

Mercado Pago is a respected payment gateway in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela. Its a trusted name which has established itself over the years as a preferred payment gateway in Latin America. It supports all the Currencies of the respective countries where it is available.

About Concrete5

Concrete5 is an open-source content management system (CMS) for publishing content and e-commerce. Concrete5 features in-context editing (the ability to edit website content directly on the page, rather than in an administrative interface or using web editor software). Other addons can be installed from the concrete5 Marketplace to extend the range of blocks available for insertion.
