Integrate NodeJS and Cybersource
Trexle connects NodeJS to Cybersource and 100+ other payment gateways using a single plugin for one time annual fee
Cybersource and NodeJS Integration Guide
The CyberSource Simple Order API uses public key cryptography to securely exchange information over the Internet. Before you can send requests for CyberSource services using the Simple Order API, you must create a security key for your CyberSource merchant account on the Business Center.
The security key created in the Business Center lasts 2 years.
To generate a security key:
Step 1
Log in to the Business Center.
Step 2
In the left navigation panel, choose Account Management > Transaction Security Keys.
Step 3
In the Transaction Security Keys window, click Security Keys for the Simple Order API.
Step 4
In the Security Keys for the Simple Order API window, click 2048-Bit Key.
Clicking 2048-Bit Key causes the Java applet on the Business Center web site to download 1.5 megabytes of executable code that is used to generate the certificate request in the next step. The download may take several minutes.
Step 5
In the New Security Key window, click Generate Certificate Request.
A warning message may appear.
Step 6
In the warning message window, verify that the certificate is signed by CyberSource, and dismiss the message.
While the new key is generated, messages appear in the Messages text box. Your browser then opens a Save As dialog box.
Step 7
In the Save As dialog box, navigate to a safe location for your key, which is named .p12. Be sure to use separate locations for the test and production environments. Be careful not to overwrite a key in the wrong directory.
* If you do not protect your security keys, the security of your CyberSource account may be compromised.
The last message indicates that the operation finished successfully.
Step 8
To verify that the key is active, go to the left navigation panel and choose Transaction Security Keys > Security Keys for the Simple Order API.
The new key should be listed at the bottom of the table in the Security Keys for the Simple Order API window.
Take the credentials you just obtained from Cybersource and navigate to Trexle dashboard, click Payments Gateways and select Cybersource from the drop down menu as shown below.
Fill into your Cybersource credential and click Add Gateway. Click the Activate button next to Cybersource, and it will give you a success message and the button will turn into green. You should see something like below.
In your NodeJS project, open a terminal and issue the following command:
npm install trexlejs
If you want to test, consider writing the following example in a test.js file:
var Trexle = require('trexlejs');
var trexle = Trexle.setup({
key: ‘your-api-key’,
production: false
amount: 400,
currency: ‘usd’,
description: ‘test charge’,
email: ‘[email protected]’,
ip_address: ‘’,
card: {
number: ‘4242424242424242’,
expiry_month: 8,
expiry_year: 2018,
cvc: 123,
name: ‘John Milwood’,
address_line1: ‘423 Shoreline Park’,
address_city: ‘Mountain View’,
address_postcode: 94043,
address_state: ‘CA’,
address_country: ‘US’
}, function (response) {
Then run the code:
node test.js
Testing Credit Card Services
Use the following test credit card numbers to test the authorization, capture, and credit services. Do not use real credit card numbers.
American Express 3782 8224 6310 005
Discover 6011 1111 1111 1117
JCB 3566 1111 1111 1113
Maestro (International) 5033 9619 8909 17 , 5868 2416 0825 5333 38
Maestro (UK Domestic) 6759 4111 0000 0008, 6759 5600 4500 5727 054 , 5641 8211 1116 6669
Mastercard 2222 4200 0000 1113 , 2222 6300 0000 1125, 5555 5555 5555 4444
UATP 1354 1234 5678 911
VISA 4111 1111 1111 1111
Cybersource Supported Countries
Cybersource Supported Payment Processing Actions
✔ Authorize
✔ Capture
✔ Void
✔ Credit
✔ Recurring
✖ Card Store
Key Features
About Trexle
Trexle is a powerful online recurring subscription billing platform that integrate Cybersource and other +100 payment gateways with NodeJS and other dozen of e-commerce platforms.
About Cybersource
Access the high-availability, secure CyberSource payment gateway via One API integration and process transactions from any IP enabled payment channel (web browser, mobile browser, POS, or IVR) across the globe. Connect to the processor or acquirer of your choice, accept digital-based payments from consumers in over 190 countries and territories and get consolidated reporting across processors and payment types.
About NodeJS
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment for executing JavaScript code server-side, and uses the Chrome V8 JavaScript engine. Historically, JavaScript was used primarily for client-side scripting, in which scripts written in JavaScript are embedded in a webpage's HTML, to be run client-side by a JavaScript engine in the user's web browser. Node.js enables JavaScript to be used for server-side scripting, and runs scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user's web browser.