Drupal Commerce


Integrate Drupal Commerce and Credorax

Trexle connects Drupal Commerce to Credorax and 100+ other payment gateways using a single plugin for one time annual fee

Credorax and Drupal Commerce Integration Guide

On signup with Credorax you will receive a “Merchant Connectivity Details” document,

This document contains all the credentials you need to integrate your site with the Credorax Payment Gateway.

The main credentials supplied in this document are

  • Gateway MID
  • Signature Key
  • Terminal ID(s) – Credorax needs to activate the terminal ID(s), before they can be used. Talk to your account manager to get the terminal ID(s) activated.
  • gateway (Payment facilitators only) MID Name
  • Signature Key

After the first connection you will receive the Merchant Identifier and then you need to generate a Merchant Secret Key (unique to your site)

Once all these steps are completed you can fully integrate Credorax with your site.

Take the credentials you just obtained from Credorax and navigate to Trexle dashboard, click Payments Gateways and select Credorax from the drop down menu as shown below.

Fill into your Credorax credential and click Add Gateway. Click the Activate button next to Credorax, and it will give you a success message and the button will turn into green. You should see something like below.

To integrate Credorax and Drupal Commerce you need Trexle API keys

After adding the Drupal Commerce module to your site, browse into Administration > Commerce > Configuration > Payment gateways. Configure the settings and insert your API key like the following screen.

Make a test product and test the checkout process.

Fill in the payment details using a test credit card.

Test cards are not provided publicly. After sign up, you can get test cards specific to your account from your account manager at Credorax.

Credorax Supported Countries

Credorax Supported Payment Processing Actions

✔ Purchase
✔ Authorize
✔ Capture
✔ Void
✔ Credit
✖ Recurring
✖ Card Store

Key Features

Credit Card Vault: securely store your customers sensitive credit card data using tokens.
Instant PCI-DSS Compliance: your customers credit card data never touches your site or server.
Multiple Gateway Support: Connect your Drupal Commerce site to 100+ payment gateway

About Trexle

Trexle is a powerful online recurring subscription billing platform that integrate Credorax and other +100 payment gateways with Drupal Commerce and other dozen of e-commerce platforms.

About Credorax

Credorax's unique NextGen Smart Acquiring & Payment Processing technology provides just the right value-added, end-to-end business services and tools required to help grow online businesses with maximum success. Employing the very latest risk management tools, Credorax merchants receive the best in online security and safety, ensuring optimal business growth and minimal losses in a fully PCI compliant environment. Licensed in all EU member states and enabled by NextGen technology, Credorax enables merchants to trade globally and settle locally.

About Drupal Commerce

Drupal Commerce is open-source eCommerce software that augments the content management system Drupal. Within the context of a Drupal-based site, Drupal Commerce presents products for purchase; walks customers through the checkout process; keeps track of invoices, receipts, orders, and payments; facilitates shipping and payment; and performs other functions needed by online merchants.
