
Integrate WHMCS and Braintree

Trexle connects WHMCS to Braintree and 100+ other payment gateways using a single plugin for one time annual fee

Braintree and WHMCS Integration Guide

To get your Braintree Payments API keys, register your account at Braintree production or Braintree sandbox and login. Once logged in, navigate to Setting -> API Keys as follows..

Click the Generate New API Key button to generate your public and private API keys..

Click the green View link located under Public key and it should prompt you with your Public API key, Private API key, Environment, and Merchant ID as shown below.

Take the credentials you just obtained from Braintree and navigate to Trexle dashboard, click Payments Gateways and select Braintree from the drop down menu as shown below.

Fill into your Braintree credential and click Add Gateway. Click the Activate button next to Braintree, and it will give you a success message and the button will turn into green. You should see something like below.

To integrate Braintree and WHMCS you need Trexle API keys

How to install Trexle extension to WHMCS

  1. Download Trexle extension from Trexle- WHMCS Github repository or from WHMCS Marketplace.

  1. Use your cPanel file manager or ftp to upload the downloaded extension to the modules/addons folder of your WHMCS installation


  1. Go to your WHMCS admin panel Addons section

  1. Click on Your Addons link in the left menu, and you will see your newly uploaded Trexle extension .

  1. Click on the Activate link to the right side of the newly uploaded Trexle addon

You have successfully added Trexle extension to your WHMCS.

Create a test product, logout from your admin session and test the checkout as a regular customer.

Use the credit card values below to trigger different responses from the gateway.

No credit card errors

The following credit card values will not trigger specific credit card errors, but this does not mean that your test transaction will be successful. Values passed with the transaction (e.g. amount) can be used to trigger other types of gateway responses.

Test Value Card Type
378282246310005 American Express
371449635398431 American Express
36259600000004 Diners Club
6011111111111117 Discover
3530111333300000 JCB
6304000000000000 Maestro
5555555555554444 Mastercard
2223000048400011 Mastercard
4111111111111111 Visa
4005519200000004 Visa
4009348888881881 Visa
4012000033330026 Visa
4012000077777777 Visa
4012888888881881 Visa
4217651111111119 Visa
4500600000000061 Visa

Unsuccessful credit card verification

The following credit card numbers will simulate an unsuccessful card verification response.


Verifying a card is different than creating a transaction. To trigger an unsuccessful transaction, adjust the amount of the transaction.

Test Value Card Type Verification Response
4000111111111115 Visa processor declined
5105105105105100 Mastercard processor declined
378734493671000 American Express processor declined
6011000990139424 Discover processor declined
3566002020360505 JCB failed (3000)

Card type indicators

The following card numbers can be used to simulate various types of cards. Using any of the card numbers below will force the corresponding card type indicator to return “Yes” and the others to return “No” or “Unknown”:

Test Value Card Type Indicator Response
4500600000000061 prepaid = “Yes”
4009040000000009 commercial = “Yes”
4005519200000004 Durbin regulated = “Yes”
4012000033330026 healthcare = “Yes”
4012000033330125 debit = “Yes”
4012000033330224 payroll = “Yes”
4012000033330422 all values = “No”
4012000033330323 all values = “Unknown”

Other card information

Test Value Card Information
4012000033330620 country of issuance = “USA”
4012000033330521 issuing bank =”NETWORK ONLY”

Braintree Supported Countries

Braintree Supported Payment Processing Actions

✔ Purchase
✔ Authorize
✔ Capture
✔ Void
✔ Credit
✔ Recurring
✔ Card Store

Key Features

Credit Card Vault: securely store your customers sensitive credit card data using tokens.
Instant PCI-DSS Compliance: your customers credit card data never touches your site or server.
Multiple Gateway Support: Connect your WHMCS site to 100+ payment gateway

About Trexle

Trexle is a powerful online recurring subscription billing platform that integrate Braintree and other +100 payment gateways with WHMCS and other dozen of e-commerce platforms.

About Braintree

Braintree — a subsidiary of PayPal — is a company based in Chicago that specializes in mobile and web payment systems for ecommerce companies. Braintree emphasizes its easy integrations, simple pricing, security, and support.


WHMCS is the leading web hosting management and billing software that automates all aspects of your business from billing, provisioning, domain reselling, support, and more. WHMCS easily integrates with all the leading control panels, payment processors, domain registrars and cloud service providers.
