How to get your BlueSnap API credentials

You will need a BlueSnap account in order to obtain API credentials.

Follow these steps to get your API credentials:

  1. Go to Settings > API Settings in the top menu of the BlueSnap Merchant Console.
  2. Define your API password by entering it in the Password and Verify your password fields.

Password rules

  • Minimum of 7 characters (no maximum character limit)
  • Allowed characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 _~!@#&$%^*()|’-
  • One capital letter and one number
  • Start with a letter
  • Should not contain consecutive characters

Important: Remember your API Password for later

  1. In the New IP Address field, enter the IP address to be used for API calls. You can add up to fifteen IP addresses or a subnet.
  2. Click Request API credentials. The credentials are generated and your new API Username is displayed.

API credentials in the HTTP Basic Authentication header

You’ll include your BlueSnap API username and password in the Basic Authentication header when you make calls to our API.