Integrate WooCommerce and Allied Wallet
Trexle connects WooCommerce to Allied Wallet and 100+ other payment gateways using a single plugin for one time annual fee
Allied Wallet and WooCommerce Integration Guide
Before you will be able to submit transactions to Allied Wallet, you will need an Allied Wallet merchant account for your website. Once you have a merchant account established, Allied Wallet will supply you with:
1. Merchant Id
2. Site Id
3. OAuth Bearer Token
These IDs uniquely identify your websites, customers, and payments. You will need to add the three credentials in AlliedWallet dropdown menu in Trexle payments gateways dashboard.
Take the credentials you just obtained from Allied Wallet and navigate to Trexle dashboard, click Payments Gateways and select Allied Wallet from the drop down menu as shown below.
Fill into your Allied Wallet credential and click Add Gateway. Click the Activate button next to Allied Wallet, and it will give you a success message and the button will turn into green. You should see something like below.
Install WooTrexle WordPress plugin by navigating in your dashboard to Plugins/Add new, search for Trexle, install and activate. You can also download WooTrexle from WordPress or from Trexle Github Repository, unzip the plugin into your WordPress plugins directory and activate it.
In WooCommerce/Settings/Checkout, click on “Trexle” and configure the plugin and fill in your Trexle API keys. Click “Save”.
Create a test product, and test the normal customer checkout.
Credit card number 4242424242424242
Cardholder’s name John J. Doe
Expiration Month 9
Expiration Year 2018
cVVCode 469
Other integrations between Allied-wallet and Woocommerce
Allied Wallet Woocommerce plugin
Allied Wallet Gateway is in the official WooCommerce marketplace, and as such, you can expect it to be well documented, well supported and generally better than the unofficial extensions you may discover find out there on the internet.
The extension is provided by WooCommerce and is 79
Allied Wallet Supported Countries

Allied Wallet Supported Payment Processing Actions
✔ Authorize
✔ Capture
✔ Void
✔ Credit
✔ Recurring
✖ Card Store
Key Features
About Trexle
Trexle is a powerful online recurring subscription billing platform that integrate Allied Wallet and other +100 payment gateways with WooCommerce and other dozen of e-commerce platforms.
About Allied Wallet
Choose Allied Wallet as Your Premium Online Payment Gateway. Allied Wallet is one of the leading turnkey payment solution companies in the industry. With billions of dollars processed globally and millions of satisfied customers to our credit, you can have complete confidence that your transactions will be safe.
About WooCommerce
WooCommerce is an open source e-commerce plugin for WordPress. It is designed for small to large-sized online merchants using WordPress. Launched on September 27, 2011, the plugin quickly became popular for its simplicity to install and customize and free base product.